One of the few perks of being in a hotel room is the complimentary breakfast. Though the house in Hood River was spacious and comfortable, the choices of oats or oats for our hungry stomachs got a little old. Free breakfast also provides us an opportunity to poach food and other meal related items for later in the day; bagels are perfect for post ride recovery and the silverware is always useful for in-room snacks.
Unfortunately, the hotel also provided us with one unforeseen complication. We had a room change scheduled for today: from a double to a suite. Unfortunately, we overlooked that checkout is at nine and check-in is at one. Nine bikes, six guys, and a whole bunch of bags looked pretty silly crammed into one room.
Our ride today was fairly typical, if your usual ride involves finding an iPad. Riding back into town after an hour in the windswept plains of Wisconsin, Trevor noticed a lone box on the shoulder of the road, and the rest is history. The woman who owns (or used to) this fine Apple device seemed to have foreshadowed its loss: the picture on the screen, shown below, showed her obvious displeasure. After a quick team vote, it was deemed hopeless to try and return the iPad. It should prove valuable for entertainment on the long drive back to Oregon and then California.
Though we would love to eat at restaurants every meal (the team particularly favors Chipotle and Whole Foods), the bills add up very quickly. Stu provided us with a Costco card so we could shop at the uniquely American wholesale store, and we stocked up on all the foods teenage kids love (namely: quinoa, almond butter, plain Greek yogurt, and gluten-free pasta). I tried my best to look like Stu at checkout (luckily, Costco cards don't give an indication of height), but I couldn't quite pull off the beard and we were let through by the clerk with a warning.
A trip to a grocery store wouldn't be complete without some good, old-fashioned, shopping cart racing. One in the cart and one on their feet; around the Maserati, through the traffic islands, and back to the van. First one there wins. You would never have guessed, but Costco carts drift pretty well. Don't worry, there were no concussions.
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