Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 12

Stu arrived today, and let's just stay the ship is being run a little more tightly now (probably for the best, our joke of a kitchenette was getting pretty cluttered and gross). Another Costco trip was in order,  especially since the popularity of the ever-present rice and oats has seen a downturn lately, and Stu was fully on board with the concept of shopping cart racing. Who knew you could four wheel drift those things?

We also spent some more time exploring downtown Madison today. Expectations were very low after the, to put it frankly, awful location choice of Augusta, Georgia for nationals last year: it was an oversized strip mall with densely forested rolling hills and enough suffocating humidity to last a lifetime. In comparison, Madison is a thriving college town set between two stunning lakes. The country side is as diverse as it is beautiful, with rolling hills, good-sized climbs, and quaint farms. Solid choice, USA cycling. 

Tomorrow we head out for our (second) tour of the Trek factory after our daily televised bike racing lesson (the Tour de France), and like every day so far, we're bound to have some fun.

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